Budget 2024/2025
Adjustment budget 2024/2025: November 2024 (Unforeseen and unavoidable)
Adjustment budget 2024/2025: August 2024
Original budget 2024/2025
- Mayor speech
- Annual budget report
- Council Resolution
- Budget schedules
- Capital budget per department
- Capital budget per ward
- Capital budget summaries
- Tariffs 2024/2025
- Tariffs per service
- Sensitivity analysis on rates and taxes
- MFMA budget circular
- Quality certificate
- Budget related policies
- Western Cape projects in Saldanha Bay Municipality
- Projects funded from external loans
- Procurement plan
- Long term financial plan
- Budget policies amendments
- Client service charter
- SIME assessment report
Tabled budget 2024/2025
- Tabled budget report
- Council resolution
- A Budget schedules
- Quality certificate
- Capital budget per department
- Capital budget per ward
- Capital budget summaries
- Rates and tariffs 2024/2025
- Tariffs per service (zip)
- Sensitivity analysis on rates and tariffs
- MFMA budget circular
- Budget policy amendments
- Client service charter
- Projects funded from external loans
- Procurement plan
- Section 19 capital projects
- Budget related policies
- WC projects in Saldanha Bay Municipality
Budget 2023/2024
Adjustment budget 2023/2024: March 2024
2023/2024 Adjustment Budget: January 2024
2023/2024 Adjustment Budget: August 2023
Original budget 2023/2024
- Mayor Speech
- Final Budget Report
- Council Resolution
- Budget Schedules
- Capital Budget per Department
- Capital Budget per Ward
- Capital Budget Summaries
- Tariffs 2023/2024
- Tariffs per Service (zip)
- Sensitivity Analysis on Rates and Tariffs
- MFMA Budget Circular
- Quality Certificate
- Budget-related Policies (zip file)
- Sector Department Budget
- Projects Funded from External Loans
- Procurement Plan
- Long Term Financial Plan
- Budget Policy Amendments
- Client Services Charter
- SIME Assessment Report
Tabled budget 2023/2024
- Tabled Budget Report
- Council Resolution
- A Schedule March 2023
- Quality Certificate
- Capital Budget 23/24 MTREF per Department
- Capital Budget 23/24 MTREF per Ward
- Capital Budget 23/24 MTREF Summaries
- Rates and Tariffs 23/24
- Sensitivity Analysis 23/24
- MFMA Budget Circular 123
- Changes to Budget-related Policies
- Client Service Charter
- Section Investments
- Capital Projects Funded from External Loans
Budget 2022/2023
Adjustment Budget: March 2023
- Adjustment Budget Report
- B Schedule
- Capital Adjustment Summary
- Capital Adjustment Summary per Ward
- Capital Adjustment Summary per Department
- Provincial Gazette 8719 March 2023
- Provincial Gazette 8712 March 2023
- Quality Certificate
- Council Resolution
Adjustment Budget: January 2023
- Capital Budget Summaries
- Capital Summary per Department
- Capital Summary per Ward
- B Schedule January 2023
- Quality Certificate
- Gazette January 2023
- Council Resolution
- Budget Report
Adjustment Budget: August 2022
- Mayor budget speech
- Final budget report
- Council Resolution
- A Schedules
- Capital budget per department
- Capital budget per ward
- Capital budget summaries
- Tariffs 2022/2023
- Sensitivity analysis on rates and tariffs
- MFMA budget circular
- Quality certificate
- Budget related policies (zip file)
- Sector department budget
- Projects funded from external loan
- Procurement plan
- Public inputs
- Long Term financial plan
- Budget policy amendments
- Client services charter
- SOF Position/performance and cash flow GRAP
- Section 19-New municipal building
- Treasury circular and SIME engagements (zip file)
- Tabled budget report
- Council resolution
- A Schedule March 2022
- Capital budget 2022/23 MTREF per department
- Capital budget 2022/23 MTREF per ward
- Capital budget 2022/23 MTREF summaries
- Rates and tariffs 2022/23
- Sensitivity analysis 2022/23
- MFMA budget circular 115
- Treasury circular (zip file)
- Quality certificate
- Proposed amendments to budget related policies
- Client service charter 2022/23
- Section investment in SBM area
- Top layer SDBIP draft
- Capital projects funded from external projects
- mSCOA statements converted to GRAP
- Procurement plan 2022/23 MTREF
- Long term financial plan for SBM
- New municipal building – Section 19
Budget 2021/2022
Adjustment Budget: August 2021
- Adjustment Budget: Roll Over Projects (Budget 2021/2022)
- Annexure A (B Schedules) – Adjustment Capital budget per department
- Annexure B – Adjustment Capital budget per department
- Annexure C – Adjustment Capital Budget per ward
- Annexure D – Quality certificate
- Council Resolution Roll Over Budget
Adjustment Budget: January 2022
- Adjustment budget report – Additional allocations
- B Schedules January 2022
- Adjustment Capital budget per department
- Adjustment Capital budget per ward
- Provincial Gazette
- Quality certificate
- Council resolution
Adjustment Budget: February 2022
- Adjustment budget report
- B Schedule February 2022
- Summaries Capital budget
- Adjustment capital budget per department
- Adjustment capital budget per ward
- Quality certificate
- SF Performance mSCOA vs GRAP
- SF Position mSCOA vs GRAP
- Cashflow statement mSCOA to GRAP
- Capital projects funded from external loan
- Council resolution
- Mayors speech
- Final budget report
- Council resolution
- A Schedules
- Capital budget per dept
- Capital budget per ward
- Capital budget summaries
- Tariffs 2021/22
- Sensitivity analysis on rates and tariffs
- MFMA budget circular
- Quality certificate
- Budget related policies (zip file)
- SBM service standard
- Sector department budget
- Projects funded form external loan
- Procurement plan
- Public inputs
- LGMTEC Assessment
- Tabled budget report
- Council resolution
- A Schedule March 2021
- Capital budget 2021_22 MTREF per department.
- Capital budget 2021_22 MTREF per ward.
- Capital budget summaries 2021_22 MTREF.
- Rates and tariffs 2021_22
- Sensitivity analysis 2021_22
- MFMA Budget circular 108 of 8 March 2021
- NT circular Mun 5 of 2021 of 17 March 2021
- Quality certificate
- Budget policies amendments (zip file)
- SBM Service standards
- Draft Toplayer SDBIP 2021_22
- WC sector department budget
- Projects funded form external loans
- Procurement plan 2021_22
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